Frequently Asked Questions

The area below can help answer some of the questions you have about distance learning and virtual learning.

General Questions

Who will participate in Virtual Instructional Day?

All PK-12 students.

What is a Virtual Instructional Day?

Students will not report to school due to emergencies but will engage in learning activities using digital resources. Students will engage with all classes scheduled on that day (including specials.) There is no set “seat time” – students complete work according to family schedule and individual ability.

Why is Cumberland using Virtual Instruction?

Virtual Instructional Days will be used to maintain the momentum of learning, minimizing the interruptions caused by emergency/inclement weather days. Providing opportunities for virtual instruction not only supports the district’s goal of integrating technology into instruction but also provides uninterrupted instruction.

How and when will students and parents know if a Virtual Instructional Day will take place?

An emergency closure announcement of a Virtual Instructional Day will be relayed through the school’s notification phone & email system, district website, Facebook , and local TV/radio stations, as well as relayed through google classroom. 

How will students be informed about assignments during a Virtual Instructional Day

Classroom/Google Suite will be the platform used in grades K-12 to post student assignments, facilitate discussions, and submit work. Students 6 through 12 regularly access Google Classroom on typical school days. All teachers will post assignments on Google Classroom by 8:00 a.m. and will be available for online communication 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

How will students obtain assistance from teachers on Virtual Instructional Days?

Teachers will be available via their email directly from Google Classroom, video conference and other G suite applications. Google Classroom will be the platform used in grades K-12 to post student assignments, facilitate discussions, and submit work. Using Google Docs, teachers will share assignments, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with students, teachers and students will collaboratively edit those documents together in real-time. Collaborators on a document can view, comment on and make changes to the document. This allows users to communicate with collaborators about specific parts of a document without having to send an email or message them. Teachers add notes, suggestions, or questions for students in the document. Comments are an excellent way for teachers to add specific notes for the author/student who wrote the file. 

If students need technical assistance or have general technical questions and/or concerns, they will go to the link on the district website.

How much time is the student expected to work online during the Virtual Instructional Day?

No minimum or maximum amount of time is expected. Students should complete their work carefully, using the amount of time that is appropriate for them. 

When will class assignments be due?

This is dependent on the length of time schools are closed down.

What if students do not submit their Virtual Instructional assignments?

Students and parents will be contacted via phone or email by the teacher as assignments are not completed by the deadline. Teachers will use their own discretion, depending on the situation, to handle missed work.  Currently the deadline is ten days after the return to school. However, this may be extended as needed. 

How will Virtual Instruction be monitored and counted for attendance?

Accountability for students will rely on submission and assessment of work. Teachers will assess the student’s work and determine if the student has met the instructional goals for the day. The actual amount of time online is less important than the work produced and/or created by the student to demonstrate learning and mastery of learning targets.

What if a student does not have access to the internet?

Teachers are aware that not all students have internet access at home and will provide accommodations when necessary for students without home internet access. Coursework assigned on a Virtual Instructional day will not be due until ten school days after we return to school. If the Virtual Instructional Day is announced or acknowledged to be likely before students leave school, students who have 1:1 devices can open the files they need while in school, work on them offline at home, and the changes will sync when they return to school. Students without internet connection have the opportunity to complete work over the ten days following return to school. “Paper-based” options will also be available to students, when appropriate.

Do students with identified special learning needs have an alternative means to access their education on Virtual Instructional Days?

Yes. Special Educators will make necessary accommodations and modifications for students with IEPs. Modifications can and will be made to provide a student with opportunities to participate meaningfully and productively. Modifications may include changes in: instructional level, content/curriculum, and/or performance criteria. Students will also have access to special educators online during the virtual learning days. 

How does the Cumberland School Department safeguard my child while online?

The Cumberland School Department takes student privacy very seriously. We meet all FERPA, COPPA, and CIPA requirements.

What training is available for how to access and use online services and resources?

Cumberland is a GSuite district. This means that Cumberland students and faculty use Google’s suite of education tools: Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Drawings district-wide. Students and teachers in grades 6 to 12 have been trained and use these products almost daily. Every employee and student is given a gmail address and login and has access to the education tools and some core organizational tools such as individual Google Drive space, email, calendar, and others. Teachers and students interact on a platform called Google Classroom where teachers can distribute announcements, assignments, and email students. Students can see all of their work, access all related files, turn in their work, and email their teacher(s) directly.

What if I have questions about assignments?

Please contact your child’s teacher via their Cumberland email. Teacher Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Virtual Instructional Days.

Virtual Instructional Day.

Please note the above statements are subject to change. The Cumberland Public Schools will continue to evaluate and strive for excellence in all Virtual Instructional Days. We will make necessary adjustments to accomplish this goal.


As we shift to distance learning, we know families may need some technical support. Please go to our Support Request page that can be found here.

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