Welcome to the Cumberland School Department
Superintendent’s Communication – 2.10.2025
Dear Students, Staff, and Families: As we prepare for Winter Recess, I hope the brief pause allows all of our students, staff, and families a break to reset and refocus as Spring is on the horizon. Middle School Basketball for a Great Cause On January 27th, McCourt...
Cumberland Preschool Lottery Now OPEN
Cumberland Preschool Lottery Now OPEN - CLICK HERE We are seeking children, for Fall 2025, ages 3-5 to serve as community partners in our preschool classes. Our preschool classes have both morning and afternoon sessions that follow the Cumberland School Department...
Kindergarten Registration Opens February 12th, 2025 – La inscripción para jardín de infantes abre el 12 de febrero de 2025
Student Registration Cumberland School Department now Accepts ALL Student Registrations via our online Student Registration Portal. Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year opens on February 12, 2025. When registering be sure to select the 2025-2026...
Superintendent’s Communication – 1.31.2025
Superintendent’s Communication – 9.30.2024
School Cancellation Information
Delays & closings are communicated through School Messenger. This will include both email and phone calls. Ensure that your contact information with your student’s school secretary remains up-to-date.All school closings and delays will be listed on the front page...
H-15 Availability of Feminine Hygiene Products
L-3 Video Surveillance Systems
A-5 Title IX Protections From Sex Based Discrimination
H-13 Administration of Medical Cannabis
K-6 Textbook Loans to Students Enrolled in Non-Public Schools
I-13 High School Proficiency Based Grading
G-06 Non-Unit PersonnelBenefitAdmin
C-2 School Improvement Team Policy
A-7 Transgender and Nonbinary Policy
I-12 K to 8 Proficiency-Based Grading
F-4 Prohibition of CFC & HCFC-based Refrigerants
**School Closings and Delays**
Stay informed of school delays & closings through School Messenger. Be sure that your contact information remains up-to-date with your student’s school secretary. All school closings and delays will also be announced on local news channels. RIBA is no longer offering Text announcements.