April 26, 2021
Dear Students, Staff and Families,
I hope you were able to enjoy the school vacation week with some much needed rest and relaxation.
As stated in my communication on April 16th, I want to remind you of a few important upcoming changes to in-person learning.
The Reopening of School Task Force decided that students in special programs, grades K, 1, 2 and students in grades 9 through 12, will return to 5 days of in-person learning effective Monday, May 3rd. Students in grades 3 through 8 will return to 5 days of in-person learning when RICAS testing is completed.
The number of students allowed to ride the bus has increased to 75% of capacity starting this week.
Early Release Days will continue on Mondays. Please be sure to make the necessary arrangements for your children.
B.F. Norton & Garvin Schools – 1:50pm
Ashton, Community & JJM Cumberland Hill Schools – 2:20pm
McCourt MS & North Cumberland MS – 1:30pm
Cumberland High School – 12:55pm
As a reminder, students and staff traveling out of state can return to school on day 8 after quarantining for 7 days with proof of a negative PCR or BINAX test on or after day 5. The test cannot be done before day 5. This is for students and staff who have traveled or are planning to travel out of state and for students and staff who have been identified as close contacts.
As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as we work our way back to a more normal routine.
Robert A. Mitchell
Superintendent of Schools