November 5, 2021


Dear Students, Parents and Staff,

National Blue Ribbon Schools Award Ceremony – Ashton School

I am pleased to announce that Principal Nidia Karbonik, Teacher Jennifer Marvel and I are attending the National Blue Ribbon Schools Award Ceremony in Washington, DC. We have been very fortunate to participate in the pre-ceremony activities/workshops and have met with many school officials from across the country. Friday’s ceremony was a very proud moment for Ashton School and the District!

Transportation Assistance Update

The District Transportation Coordinator, Tracy Walton and I have been working with families to provide transportation for students eligible due to unexpected or extraordinary circumstances.  

Please feel free to contact Tracy at, if you have any questions.


Vaccination Clinics for Children Ages 5 – 11

As you are aware, the Covid-19 vaccine is now available for children ages 5 – 11. Please see the attached information and letter from the RIDOH Director of Health, Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott and RIDE Commissioner, Angelica Infante-Green regarding the vaccine, available clinics and Virtual Town Hall.

Vaccination Information Folder


Virtual Town Halls about COVID-19 Vaccination for 5 to 11 with families and staff. Pediatricians will give a brief overview of 5 to 11 vaccination and answer questions families might have on November 8.

  • At 6 p.m. with pediatrician Elizabeth Lange, MD, RIDOH Medical Director James McDonald, MD, MPH and Governor Dan McKee in English; and
  • At 7 p.m. with pediatrician Carla Martin, MD and Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos in Spanish.

You can learn more about the vaccine at


A message was sent on Wednesday, November 3rd informing Cumberland families about the vaccination clinic scheduled on Wednesday, November 10th. As of now, those appointment slots have been filled. You can keep checking to see if there are any cancellations/openings or look for another upcoming clinic – Vaccinate-RI.  We will let you know when the next Cumberland clinic is scheduled.


Flu Vaccination Clinics

The last school-based Flu Vaccination Clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, November 17 at the Cumberland High School Cafeteria from 4:00 – 7:00pm. Please see RI Department of Health-Flu (Influenza) for additional information. You will need to register online to schedule an appointment: Limited walk-in availability will be accepted as resources allow. Additional information is provided in the Flu Vaccination Clinics Folder.


Positive Covid-19 Cases

The Positive Covid-19 Cases in the Schools spreadsheet is provided for your review and will be updated on a weekly basis. It is also available on the District’s website under Quick Links.


With each passing week, I see our students and staff returning to a more normal school routine.



Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

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