Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic

In collaboration with the RI Department of Health and The Wellness Company, a Covid-19 vaccination clinic has been scheduled for participants 5 years old and up. 

  • Clinic Date: Friday, May 6, 2022
  • Clinic Start Time:  3:30 PM
  • Clinic End Time: 6:30 PM
  • Clinic Location: Cumberland High School Cafeteria, 2602 Mendon Road
Pfizer 5-11
Pfizer 12+

Please be advised that the PrepMod Access Link is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer.  Most registration problems can be solved by copying and pasting the link into a google search. Any other issues please call the PrepMod Help Desk at 888-503-0515.


Insurance information is optional

Registration will close at noon the day before the clinic (Ex: A Wednesday clinic will close on Tuesday at noon)

Clients will be observed for 15 minutes after vaccination

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