Dear Students, Staff, and Families:
We have surpassed our 100-day mark for the 2024-2025 school year. This is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far and what is yet to come. At the district level, with spring only 20 days away, we are starting to plan for end-of-the-year celebrations and the start of the new year.
2025-2026 School Calendar
The School Committee has approved the 2025/2026 School Calendar.
We will start after Labor Day for one more year until the shuffle of Elementary schools is complete. The first day of school for students in grades 1-9 is Tuesday, September 2, 2025. Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 10-12 students will begin Wednesday, September 3, 2025. This summer we will be transitioning Community School back to their home on Arnold Mills Rd. and moving our Preschool to their forever home in the Transitional building. It has been an immense undertaking, your support and flexibility have been commendable. The winter recess is December 24th-January 2nd. The Committee voted to return to a full February break, February 16th-20th, 2026. The spring recess is scheduled for April 20th-24th, with the 171st day for seniors June 8th, tentative graduation June 12th, and the last day of school for all June 18th. In the coming months, we will be submitting our waiver to RIDE to waive 3 inclement weather days in next year’s school calendar, we will keep you posted on that. We do not anticipate any changes to the start and end times.
RI Elementary Principal of the Year
The Cumberland School department is fortunate to have two members of our leadership team named as RI Principal of the Year two years in a row. Beth Coughlin, RI Secondary Principal of the Year back in April, and most recently Cheryl Vaughn, Elementary Principal of the Year.
Cheryl was recognized at last night’s School Committee meeting with high praise from administration, teachers, and Town Council President Micheal Kinch. Congratulations to Mrs. Cheryl Vaughn!
The 2025-2026 Preschool Lottery link is now open for Peer Models. Please feel free to share the information below 🙂
Cumberland Preschool Lottery – 2025-2026
The ASPEN portal is accepting Kindergarten Registrations for the 2025-2026 school year. https://cumberlandschools.org/student-registration/
Cumberland High School is accepting applications for their CTE Pathways programs. Check out their website for more information, CHS CTE Pathway Programs. To apply, complete the Google form, CTE Pathway Application Form for 2025-2026 School Year. The application review team will meet to review completed applications, and families will be notified once their student’s application has been reviewed.
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools