July 21, 2023
Dear Students, Staff and Families,
It looks like we may finally have a weekend with no rain. Hoping you can enjoy some time outdoors.
PreSchool Start/End Times
There have been additional discussions regarding PreSchool Start/End Times. The School Committee will vote on August 10th to finalize. The proposed times are as follows:
AM Session – 9:40 AM to 12:00 PM
PM Session – 12:45 PM to 3:15 PM
As announced last week, the District will also no longer be able to conduct early release Wednesdays.
School hours will be the same Monday through Friday for all students.
School Construction
Our construction projects at Community, Ashton, and Garvin have been moving forward. Please find the latest in the attachments.
Latest Construction Updates:
Ashton Elementary School July 2023
Community Elementary School July 2023
Garvin Memorial Elementary School July 2023
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools