Cumberland Data in Your Backyard
RI Kids Count will be presenting “Data in Your Backyard” from 3:30-5 at McCourt Middle School at 45 Highland Ave. If you are interested in attending please register today using the Eventbrite link.
This is a community event hosted by RI Kids Count and the Cumberland Education Foundation, in collaboration with our school department and Mayor Mutter’s office. RI Kids Count hosts presentations like this across the state to invite educators, families, law enforcement, local non-profit organizations, and any other interested community members to review and discuss a town or city’s demographic and wellbeing data for its K-12 kids. There’s more information in the invitation below; it’d be great to see you there!
Please join us for a presentation and community conversation
Cumberland Data in Your Backyard
The Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Data in Your Backyard series presents community-level child well-being data from the Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Factbook in communities across the state. Local leaders, educators, service providers, and other interested community members are encouraged to attend.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
(check-in starting at 3:00 p.m.)
McCourt Middle School
45 Highland Ave, Cumberland, RI
Welcome and Introductions
The Honorable Jeffrey Mutter, Mayor
Town of Cumberland
Philip Thornton, Superintendent
Cumberland School Department
Rosemary Reilly-Chammat, Chair
Cumberland Education Foundation
Paige Clausius-Parks, Executive Director
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Findings from the 2024 Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Factbook
Stephanie Geller, Deputy Director
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Community Discussion
Facilitated by Stephanie Geller
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