School Bus Routes
Please click below to review the bus routes for the current school year.
Transportation Information
The Cumberland School Committee provides transportation for all students within the Town limits who reside so far from school as to make their regular attendance impractical. In addition, the Committee provides transportation for students attending public or private non-profit schools beyond the Town limits providing the schools are located within the appropriate region and are established as regional schools as per the State statues.
Students may be expected to walk the following distances to their school or bus stop given that the walking route is deemed safe:
Kindergarten 3/4 mile
Grades 1 – 5 3/4 mile
Grades 6 – 8 1.5 miles
Grades 9 – 12 2 miles
The Committee annually approves all bus routes and bus stops within forty-five (45) days after the opening of
school and only such approved routes are to be followed.
For questions regarding student transportation, please contact our Transportation Clerk, Tracy Walton at
2024-2025 Request to Change Student Transportation Form
Elementary School Street Listings
We have been informed by Durham that the software (VersaTrans) which is used to program Cumberland’s boundary map does have a glitch which occasionally will duplicate streets in different boundary listings.
The street listings can be off on occasion with homes within 80 feet of a boundary line. Knowing this, efforts have been made to manually correct the software glitch. If questions do arise please contact Durham at 401-334-3745.
Bus Routes can be found here.
We are pleased to announce that there is now an app available for monitoring your child’s school bus.
Durham Bus Tracker® allows you to view your student’s current school bus location. Information about the route, in near real time, including the scheduled and estimated arrival times to your stop.
If you do not know it, you can log in to Aspen and look at the student detail page. If you cannot find it or need further assistance in Aspen, please email
Please see the attached documents including the Durham Bus Tracker FAQ; Durham Bus Tracker Informational Sheet-English; Durham Bus Tracker Informational Sheet-Spanish