Superintendent’s Communication – 11.23.21
November 23, 2021 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, Happy Thanksgiving! On behalf of the entire Central Office Administration Team, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are very appreciative and grateful of the work and dedication our...

Cumberland’s 2021 District Education Support Professional of the Year – Lori Joubert
Superintendent Phil Thornton is pleased to announce Cumberland’s 2021 District Education Support Professional of the Year - Lori Joubert We congratulate Lori on this outstanding achievement! As an Administrative Assistant at John J. McLaughlin Elementary School...

2021 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award – Ashton School
Jennifer Marvel, Teacher; Aba Kumi, Director of the NBRS program; Nidia Karbonik, Principal; Phil Thornton, Superintendent

Superintendent’s Communication – 11.5.21
November 5, 2021 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, National Blue Ribbon Schools Award Ceremony - Ashton School I am pleased to announce that Principal Nidia Karbonik, Teacher Jennifer Marvel and I are attending the National Blue Ribbon Schools Award Ceremony in...

Superintendent’s Communication – 10.22.21
October 22, 2021 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, October is National School Principals’ Month I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our School Principals for their continued hard work and dedication to our students, teachers, support...

Superintendent’s Communication – 10.01.21
October 1, 2021 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, As we continue to navigate the pandemic this fall, we will continue to follow practices that are in place to keep everyone safe. Adopting the new guidance outlined below will allow the district to keep more students...

Superintendent’s Communication – 9.24.21
September 24, 2021 Dear Student, Parents and Staff, We have some exciting news! 2021 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award - ASHTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL We are pleased to announce Ashton Elementary School has been named a 2021 National Blue Ribbon School! Congratulations to...

2021 National Blue Ribbon School – Ashton Elementary School
Press Release - 9/21/2021 Cumberland School Department Cumberland, RI 2021 National Blue Ribbon School - Ashton Elementary School The Cumberland School Department is proud to announce Ashton Elementary School has been designated a National Blue Ribbon School. The...

Cumberland Schools – Updated Travel & Quarantine Guidance
Dear Cumberland School Community, There has been considerable coverage of the travel vaccination requirements in Rhode Island and the impact of the guidance on our school faculty, staff and students. We have always prioritized safety in adopting guidelines...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 8.27.21
Dear Students, Staff and Families, I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and were able to enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation. Our central office administrators, building administrators, faculty and staff have been working very hard to prepare the schools...