Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

May 21, 2021 Dear Students, Staff, and Families, Happy Friday everyone.  It does feel good to be a little closer to normal.  I was able to exercise at my YMCA for the first time in over 14 months without a mask.  What a difference it made.  We can appreciate now more...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.14.21

May 14, 2021 Dear Students, Staff, and Families, Happy Friday everyone.  I hope this is a happier Friday given the news we heard yesterday about mask wearing.  The good news is that vaccinated individuals don’t have to wear masks in most situations.  However, since we...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Student Vaccinations for Adolescents age 12 to 15

Dear School Families/Guardians: As you may be aware, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination is now approved for persons 12-15 years of age.   Cumberland Emergency Medical Services (CEMS) will be conducting two vaccination clinics targeting students in this age group.    The...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication 5.7.21

May 7, 2021 Dear Students, Staff, and Parents, I hope all is well with you.  It is nice to see things starting to open up.  In fact, the high school had its first in-person gathering in over a year last night.  The induction ceremony for the Rhode Island Honor Society...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 4.30.21

April 30, 2021 Dear Students, Staff, and Families, I hope the longer days, warmer weather, and flowering trees and plants, are making your days brighter and more comfortable.  As you may have heard, students in the high school aged 16 and over had an opportunity to...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Communication Update – 4.26.21

April 26, 2021 Dear Students, Staff and Families, I hope you were able to enjoy the school vacation week with some much needed rest and relaxation.   As stated in my communication on April 16th, I want to remind you of a few important upcoming changes to in-person...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Communication 4.16.21

April 16, 2021 Dear Students, Staff, and Families, As you have heard, the high school is distance learning today because a number of students (11) have tested positive for COVID-19 since April 1st.  This decision was made after we received a phone call from the Rhode...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

High School Community Update – 4.16.21

April 16, 2021 Good Afternoon CHS faculty, staff, students and families, We received a phone call late yesterday afternoon from the RI Department of Health concerning the recent positive test results for 11 Cumberland High School Students and the need to quarantine...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Communication – 4.8.21

April 9, 2021 Dear Students, Staff, and Families, Happy Friday everyone.  I hope everyone is doing well.  As you may have heard, a third of the country has received at least one vaccination with more vaccinations happening every day.  This is a reason for optimism. ...

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 5.21.21

Superintendent’s Communication – 4.1.21

Dear Cumberland Families, In anticipation of the upcoming April break (4/19 - 4/23) and the potential for travel during that week, we would like to remind you of the guidelines established by the RIDOH and implemented by the Cumberland School Department as it relates...

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