March 4, 2022
Dear Students, Parents and Staff,
I am happy to say that today, March 4th at 5:01 p.m., mask wearing will be optional for all individuals entering school buildings. It is hard to believe that it was almost two years ago (March 13, 2020) that schools, many businesses and most of the State had to be closed due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. We have all gone through very difficult and trying times from this pandemic, whether it be physically, mentally, financially or the loss of a loved one, this virus has touched each and everyone of us in some way.
Beginning Monday, March 7th, masks will also be optional for students riding the school bus. Students will continue to sit in their assigned seats. Windows will be opened to keep the air circulating when the weather permits.
The Central Office Administrators, Building Administrators, faculty and staff have worked very hard to make each student’s educational experience the best it can be. I am very grateful for their continued dedication and support.
Please remember, it is recommended that any individual who is immunocompromised should continue to wear a mask. Also, please be respectful to each other regarding an individual’s decision on whether or not to wear a mask.
If your child is experiencing or develops symptoms of illness please keep him/her home and have him/her tested. Visit Portal RI to find a testing site and make an appointment. You can also call 844-857-1814 to schedule an appointment.
Additionally, mask requirements may be required on an individual basis when individuals are allowed to return to school early after testing positive for COVID-19. Individual circumstances should be discussed with your building principal and school nurse.
All of the decisions regarding the easing of restrictions and masking have been made based upon the recent drop in COVID cases in RI and locally Cumberland. If information and guidance from State Agencies change, we will review and consider what, if any, action is necessary.
The Positive Covid-19 Cases in the Schools spreadsheet is provided for your review. It is also available on the District’s website under Quick Links.
2022-2023 Kindergarten / 1st Grade Registration
The online student registration portal is now open for all kindergarten, first grade and any new students entering the Cumberland School Department for the 2022-2023 school year.
Additional information can be found here – 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration
Spring is just a couple of weeks away. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to enjoying the outdoors and many of the upcoming school events and activities.
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools