Superintendent’s Communication – 1.6.23

Superintendent’s Communication – 12.23.22

ALL SCHOOLS CLOSED – December 23, 2022
Due to the forecasted storm including high winds and likely power outages, school and all activities are canceled for Friday, December 23, 2022.
We wish you all a happy, safe and healthy holiday season and winter break.

Superintendent’s Communication – 12.9.22

Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment (RICAS) Results – Cumberland
Our annual RICAS data analysis provides the community with an opportunity to gauge how Cumberland’s school system fares in comparison to itself and how we progress or regress as an academic institution. But it also allows us to understand how our performance compares to other districts in RI in addition to some local districts in neighboring Massachusetts.
Our office has made it its mission to approach student performance with a high degree of urgency, yet the additional variable of having to recover from the impact of the pandemic has created greater challenges for our school system. While data can sometimes be difficult to accept or understand, it remains a concrete way to objectively measure who we are.
Our current ranks in the state are as follows: Please keep in mind we compare districts that test the same number of grade levels we do.
Cumberland ranks 8th in the state this year in ELA performance & 4th in the state in Mathematics. We also look at how Cumberland would fare if we were to compare ourselves to Massachusetts districts.
In ELA we performed better than 67% of Mass. districts and better than 76% of Mass. districts in Mathematics.
We remain focused on a road to recovery. We would like to get back to our standing prior to the pandemic and we aspire to be among the top 3 school systems in the state. Our office, administrators, and teachers are all committed to maximizing the achievement of our students.
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