Superintendent’s Communication – 2.18.22

Superintendent’s Communication – 2.18.22

February 18, 2022


Dear Students, Parents and Staff,

The Cumberland School Committee held its regular meeting last night, one of the items on the agenda was to discuss and/or vote on wearing masks in schools after the statewide mandate is lifted on March 4th.  My recommendation to the committee was that mask wearing would no longer be required in our schools and that students and staff may choose to wear or not wear a mask.  In a 6-0 vote by committee members, it was decided that mask wearing will be optional for all individuals entering school buildings as of Friday, March 4, 2022 at 5:01 p.m.  It is recommended that any individual that is immunocompromised should continue to wear a mask.

I am hopeful that we are now coming to the end of this pandemic and want to give our students an opportunity to participate in more of the normal school day experiences. Therefore, I have informed our building administrators that schools will be allowed to plan for regular school day scheduling, as well as after school social events and activities (i.e., school dances/proms and fundraising events). We will keep all air-infiltration systems in place at all school buildings.

It is expected that everyone will be respectful to each other regarding an individual’s decision on whether or not to wear a mask.

As stated during the meeting, per Federal regulations, masks must still be worn while riding on the school bus. All current protocols will remain the same.  Additionally, mask requirements may be required on an individual basis when individuals are allowed to return to school early after testing positive for COVID-19.  Individual circumstances should be discussed with your building principal and school nurse.  

All of the decisions regarding the easing of restrictions and masking have been made based upon the recent drop in COVID cases in RI and locally Cumberland.  If information and guidance from State Agencies change, we will review and consider what, if any, action is necessary.  


Community Cases per 100k


Week Ending 1/8/22

Week Ending 1/15/22

Week Ending 1/22/22

Week Ending 1/29/22

Week Ending 2/5/22

Week Ending 2/12/22








As always, if your child is experiencing or develops symptoms of illness please keep him/her home  and have him/her tested. Visit Portal RI to find a testing site and make an appointment. You can also call 844-857-1814 to schedule an appointment.

2022-2023 Kindergarten / 1st Grade Registration

The online student registration portal is now open for all kindergarten, first grade and any new students entering the Cumberland School Department for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Additional information can be found here – 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration


Vaccination Clinics 

The next Cumberland vaccination clinic for age groups 5-11 and 12+ is scheduled for  

Saturday, February 19, 2022 at the Cumberland Public Library. You will need to register separately for each age group.

Vaccination Clinics for children and adults – RI Vaccination Clinic Sign-Up

Cumberland Public Library on Saturday, 02/19/2022

1464 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland RI, 02864

Vaccinations offered: Pfizer-BioNTech Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine (5-11 Year Old)

Vaccinations offered: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (12+)

Age groups served: 12+

Age groups served: 5-11

The Positive Covid-19 Cases in the Schools spreadsheet is provided for your review. It is also available on the District’s website under Quick Links.

Next week is winter recess. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.



Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools


Superintendent’s Communication – 2.18.22

Superintendent’s Communication – 2.11.22

February 11, 2022

Dear Students, Parents and Staff,

As you are aware, Governor McKee has announced that the statewide mandate for wearing masks in schools will end on Friday, March 4, 2022. This will now leave each school district to decide on whether or not to continue with wearing masks while in school. 

While this news is encouraging, with the anticipation that the pandemic is going in the right direction, we still must be diligent in maintaining the health and safety of our school community.  Over the past five weeks we have seen the rate of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 in Cumberland drop dramatically.  

Week ending 1/8/22

Week ending 1/15/22

Week ending 1/22/22

Week ending 1/29/22

Week ending 2/5/22

3,082 / 100,000

2,750 / 100,000

1,662 / 100,000

975 / 100,000

493 / 100,000

As you know, this data metric is looked at closely when determining whether safety restrictions can be lifted.  As of yesterday, the Rhode Island rate had dropped even further.  The topic of masking will be on the school committee agenda for discussion at the Thursday, February 17, 2022 meeting.  


Positive Covid-19 Cases

The Positive Covid-19 Cases in the Schools spreadsheet is provided for your review. It is also available on the District’s website under Quick Links.


Free Covid-19 Test Kits

Free Covid-19 Test Kits will be distributed to town residents on Saturday, February 12, 2022 at the Cumberland High School back parking lot. The drive-thru distribution will be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon. The Mayor’s Office has collaborated with the Cumberland EMS and CERT Team volunteers to host this event. Kits will be given out on a first come, first served basis.


Vaccination Clinics 

The next Cumberland vaccination clinic for age groups 5-11 and 12+ is scheduled for  

Saturday, February 19, 2022 at the Cumberland Public Library. You will need to register separately for each age group.

Vaccination Clinics for children and adults – RI Vaccination Clinic Sign-Up


Cumberland Public Library on Saturday, 02/19/2022

1464 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland RI, 02864

Vaccinations offered: Pfizer-BioNTech Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine (5-11 Year Old)

Vaccinations offered: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (12+)

Age groups served: 12+

Age groups served: 5-11


Covid-19 Testing in the Schools – Voluntary

Our school district will continue to offer voluntary weekly COVID-19 testing to help schools stay safer against the risk of COVID-19. If your student has recently tested positive for COVID-19 they do not need to participate in the weekly testing for 90 days. Once your child has had a positive Covid-19 test result their Concentric account will be deactivated. After the 90 days you can sign your child back up with the link below or by contacting the Covid Department at

 Please remember this is entirely voluntary and no students will be tested unless you opt in and the student is registered by a parent or guardian. 

To opt into the program, please visit the following site with the access code for your school:



School: Community – ACCESS CODE: 352X09







As always, if your child develops symptoms of illness please keep him/her home.  If your child has symptoms of COVID-19 please keep him/her home and have him/her tested. 

Visit Portal RI to find a testing site and make an appointment. You can also call 844-857-1814 to schedule an appointment.


I hope you are able to get outside and enjoy these warmer weather days.

I’m sure everyone is looking forward to the upcoming winter recess February 21 – 25.



Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools


Superintendent’s Communication – 2.18.22

Superintendent’s Communication – 1.7.22

January 7, 2022


Dear Students, Parents and Staff,

I am sure you are aware of the new RIDOH guidance on shortening quarantine and isolation periods that was issued on 1/6/22 – RIDOH Memorandum.  We will be adopting these new standards effective Tuesday, 1/11/22 and if your child is affected by the change, you will be receiving a revised notice from your school on Monday.  

Please keep in mind that now, more than ever, given the new guidance, it is important for you to monitor your child at home for symptoms of COVID-19.  There may be times where we send students home for what seem like minor symptoms when they fall into a newly exempted category.  We are doing this at the direction of the RI Department of Health and to preserve the safety of our students and staff.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation while we navigate the ever changing guidance from our state and federal agencies.

If you have any questions regarding the new guidance, please contact your child’s school principal or nurse.


Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

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