School Boundary and Elementary Start Time Information
Proposed School Start Times School Years 2022-2023 (Click Here)Proposed Boundary Changes - Cumberland Hill Elementary School Proposed street additions to Cumberland HillProposed Boundary Changes Upper - Cumberland Hill Elementary SchoolProposed Boundary Changes Lower...

Superintendent’s Communication – 3.4.22
March 4, 2022 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, I am happy to say that today, March 4th at 5:01 p.m., mask wearing will be optional for all individuals entering school buildings. It is hard to believe that it was almost two years ago (March 13, 2020) that schools,...

Superintendent’s Communication – 2.18.22
February 18, 2022 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, The Cumberland School Committee held its regular meeting last night, one of the items on the agenda was to discuss and/or vote on wearing masks in schools after the statewide mandate is lifted on March 4th. My...

Superintendent’s Communication – 2.11.22
February 11, 2022 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, As you are aware, Governor McKee has announced that the statewide mandate for wearing masks in schools will end on Friday, March 4, 2022. This will now leave each school district to decide on whether or not to...

Distance Learning Day – February 4, 2022
Tomorrow will be a Distance Learning Day. All after school activities are canceled.

Cumberland Distance Learning Plan

Superintendent’s Communication – 1.28.22
January 28, 2022 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, As a reminder, The Rhode Island Department of Health guidance on shortening quarantine and isolation periods was issued on 1/6/22 – RIDOH Memorandum. We have adopted these new standards effective Tuesday,...

Superintendent’s Communication – 1.7.22
January 7, 2022 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, I am sure you are aware of the new RIDOH guidance on shortening quarantine and isolation periods that was issued on 1/6/22 - RIDOH Memorandum. We will be adopting these new standards effective Tuesday, 1/11/22 and...

Superintendent’s Communication – 1.1.22
January 1, 2022 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, Happy New Year! We would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year! As we return to school on Monday, January 3, 2022 there are a few items of importance that I would like to share with you: Covid-19...

Superintendent’s Communication – 12.22.21
December 22, 2021 Dear Students, Parents and Staff, Happy Holidays! On behalf of the entire Central Office Administration Team, I would like to wish everyone a joyous and heartwarming holiday. This time of year is always special and these last couple of years have...