Message from the Superintendent – Distance Learning

Dear Students, Staff and Families, I write to inform you that at the school committee meeting held on Thursday, August 27, 2020, a majority of the Cumberland School Committee voted to start the 2020-2021 school year with Distance Learning. We understand that you will...

Message from the Superintendent – June 18, 2020

Dear students, staff, and families: Congratulations to the members of the Cumberland School Community on not only making it through distance learning, but excelling at distance learning!  To the parents, extended families, administrators, teachers, counselors,...

Congratulations Paula MacMillin – Heroes of Distance Learning

Congratulations Paula MacMillin – Heroes of Distance Learning

Cox Celebrates “Heroes of Distance Learning” with $1,000 Home Technology Makeovers for TeachersLocal educators nominated by parents, principals and peers for creating cutting-edge curriculums while teaching from a distance WEST WARWICK – (June 4, 2020) – As educators...

Update – Fall Survey Issues

We are working on resolving an issue that some families may have experienced who have more than one student and did not receive a second survey.  Also, we are working on an issue for those that did not respond to the survey call and are trying to participate in the...

FY2021 Budget Information

FY2021 Budget Information

*UPDATED* School Committee Budget Submitted to the Town May 15 FY2021 Budget Input MAY 7th SC Submission Sent to the Town May 15 FY2021 Budget Revenues May 15th For Town Budget Budget Information - May 7, 2020 FY21 Budget Transmittal Letter-SC-3.12.20 2021 Budget...

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