Superintendent’s Communication – 4.5.24

Superintendent’s Communication – 3.15.24

March 15, 2024 Dear Students, Staff, and Families: We are quickly approaching the first day of Spring, March 19th, and It is hard to believe that we are already starting to think about end-of-the-year activities and planning for the next school year. I want to take...

Superintendent’s Communication – 4.5.24

Superintendent’s Communication – Two-Hour Delay – 1/8/24

Good Evening, There will be a TWO-HOUR DELAY tomorrow, January 8, 2024.  In addition to this delay, the MORNING SESSION of PRESCHOOL has been canceled. Thank you Buenas noches, Habrá un RETRASO DE DOS HORAS mañana 8 de enero de 2024.Además de este retraso, se ha...

Superintendent’s Communication – 12.22.23

Superintendent’s Communication – 12.22.23

December 22, 2023   Dear Students, Staff, and Families, Season’s Greetings! On behalf of the Central Office Administration Team, I would like to wish everyone a holiday season filled with joy, laughter, and tranquility. The holiday season is a special time of year...

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