Superintendent’s Communication – 4.5.24

End of Year Calendar of Events

Superintendent’s Communication – 3.15.24
March 15, 2024 Dear Students, Staff, and Families: We are quickly approaching the first day of Spring, March 19th, and It is hard to believe that we are already starting to think about end-of-the-year activities and planning for the next school year. I want to take...

Superintendent’s Communication – School will be closed tomorrow 2/13/24
Good afternoon, Due to the forecasted storm, all schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13, 2024. All after-school activities will also be canceled. Thank you and stay safe.

Cumberland Elementary School Boundary Discussion – 1/25/2024
Proposed Boundary Change Street List - Per Model *New*Model 1 WorksheetModel 2 WorksheetModel 3 WorksheetModel 4 WorksheetModel 5 Worksheet

Superintendent’s Communication – Two Hour Delay – 1/17/24
Good evening,There will be a TWO-HOUR DELAY tomorrow, January 17, 2024.In addition to this delay, the MORNING SESSION of PRESCHOOL has been canceled.Please stay safe during these weather conditions.Sincerely,Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.Superintendent of Schools

All after school activities are canceled today – 1/16/24
All after school activities are canceled today Tuesday, January 16, including clubs and sports.

Cumberland Elementary School Boundary Discussion – 1/11/2024
Elementary School Boundary Proposal - Map

Superintendent’s Communication – Two-Hour Delay – 1/8/24
Good Evening, There will be a TWO-HOUR DELAY tomorrow, January 8, 2024. In addition to this delay, the MORNING SESSION of PRESCHOOL has been canceled. Thank you Buenas noches, Habrá un RETRASO DE DOS HORAS mañana 8 de enero de 2024.Además de este retraso, se ha...

Superintendent’s Communication – 12.22.23
December 22, 2023 Dear Students, Staff, and Families, Season’s Greetings! On behalf of the Central Office Administration Team, I would like to wish everyone a holiday season filled with joy, laughter, and tranquility. The holiday season is a special time of year...