Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic
In collaboration with the RI Department of Health and The Wellness Company, a Covid-19 vaccination clinic has been scheduled for participants 5 years old and up.
- Clinic Date: Friday, May 6, 2022
- Clinic Start Time: 3:30 PM
- Clinic End Time: 6:30 PM
- Clinic Location: Cumberland High School Cafeteria, 2602 Mendon Road
Pfizer 5-11
Pfizer 12+
Please be advised that the PrepMod Access Link is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer. Most registration problems can be solved by copying and pasting the link into a google search. Any other issues please call the PrepMod Help Desk at 888-503-0515.
Insurance information is optional
Registration will close at noon the day before the clinic (Ex: A Wednesday clinic will close on Tuesday at noon)
Clients will be observed for 15 minutes after vaccination… Read More...
April 11, 2022
Dear Students, Parents and Staff,
As a reminder,
Due to the SAT/PSAT testing for high school students in grades 10 and 11, Wednesday, April 13, 2022 will be a full day of school for all students.
Thursday, April 14, 2022 will be an early release day for all students.
As a District, we are responsible for hosting the SAT School Day for grade 11 students on a specific date chosen by the Rhode Island Department of Education.
For the 2021-2022 school year, the SAT Testing date is Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Students in grade 10 will be participating in the PSAT while the SAT will be administered to students in the 11th grade.
We have a responsibility to ensure that all students scheduled to participate in the PSAT & SAT have the required amount of time to complete the assessment. As a result, we need to change the schedule on Wednesday, April 13th to a regularly scheduled school day.
All of the grade levels are impacted because the bus runs are coordinated based on the school start and end time at each level (high, middle and elementary). The Durham Bus Company has been informed of the necessary change and will conduct pick up and drop off accordingly.
Therefore, there will be no early release on Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
Thursday, April 14, 2022 will be an early release day.
We will return to the regular Wednesday early release days schedule on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
There will be no school on Friday, April 15th and the following week, April 18 – 22, 2022 (spring recess).
I hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable school vacation week.
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools…
April 1, 2022
Dear Students, Parents and Staff,
Full Day of School – Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Early Release Day – Thursday, April 14, 2022
As a District, we are responsible for hosting the SAT School Day for grade 11 students on a specific date chosen by the Rhode Island Department of Education.
For the 2021-2022 school year, the SAT Testing date is Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Students in grade 10 will be participating in the PSAT while the SAT will be administered to students in the 11th grade.
We have a responsibility to ensure that all students scheduled to participate in the PSAT & SAT have the required amount of time to complete the assessment. As a result, we need to change the schedule on Wednesday, April 13th to a regularly scheduled school day.
All of the grade levels are impacted because the bus runs are coordinated based on the school start and end time at each level (high, middle and elementary). The Durham Bus Company has been informed of the necessary change and will conduct pick up and drop off accordingly.
Therefore, there will be no early release on Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
Thursday, April 14, 2022 will be an early release day.
School Volunteers
I am pleased to announce that the Covid protocols for screening our school volunteers have changed. All volunteers will be asked to provide verbal attestation that they are not having any symptoms of illness when entering the building. Our volunteers play an important role in assisting with programs and special events. We look forward to having our volunteers back in the schools with more consistency.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is allowing school meal programs across the country to continue serving healthy meals through June 30, 2022. The program continues to provide safe, healthy meals free of charge to children as the pandemic continues to threaten the food and nutrition security of our most vulnerable. Unfortunately, this free of charge meal program for all students will no longer be available at the end of this school year.
Families will need to complete an application for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program.
- Free/Reduced Lunch Program – Families are encouraged to complete and submit applications to your child’s school to verify eligibility. Please contact your child’s school if a form is needed.
- The application is also available electronically. Click here to apply online.
We ask for your help now. By applying for the free/reduced lunch program at this time, it will provide the school department with additional state aid for the 2022-23 school year.
Not only are there advantages for families, there are financial implications for the school department. For example, the more families that are eligible for free or reduced lunch results in more state aid coming to the school department. The loss of revenue to the school department could be devastating. As you know, every dollar counts. The free and reduced school lunch program benefits you and your family as well as the school department.
All information collected is confidential and the process that eligible students follow when getting their lunch is the same as students who are not eligible.
If you have questions about the free/reduced lunch program or the application process, please contact Kathleen Scanlon at 401-658-1600 x322.
Covid-19 Testing/Vaccination
If your child is experiencing or develops symptoms of illness, please keep him/her home and have him/her tested. Visit Portal RI to find a testing site and make an appointment. You can also call 844-857-1814 to schedule an appointment. Upcoming vaccination clinics can be found here.
April – Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Please consider supporting this cause –
Hello! My name is Sarah Leduc, I am a 2021 CHS graduate. I just wanted to let you know that I am doing a fundraiser for sexual assault awareness month. All proceeds go directly to Day One, the Rhode Island rape crisis center. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share or donate to my fundraiser! Day One provides therapies, workshops, trauma based yoga, educational classes, hotlines, law enforcement advocacy, and so much more. Day One is a nonprofit and relies solely on donations and grants so this fundraiser is very important! The Cumberland School Department will be having a dress down day on Friday, April 8.
Thank you so much! -Sarah Leduc GoFundMe Link –
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools…
March 25, 2022
Dear Students, Parents and Staff,
During last night’s school committee meeting, I provided some information regarding the proposed changes to the student attendance areas at Cumberland Hill and the middle schools as well as information on proposed changes for elementary school start times for next year given our school construction and Garvin School moving up to the high school campus. Also listed below are proposed time changes and a school construction timeline:
Student Attendance Areas
With the completion of school renovations at our elementaries, there will be a need to modify our existing elementary school boundaries. The goal in doing so is to better balance the school populations at our schools. Cumberland Hill, our school first in line for renovation, will have some increased capacity next year. The map below and street lists illustrate the proposed new attendance boundary for Cumberland Hill. In total, the new boundary map increases the student population by approximately 35-40 students. Our school committee will continue discussions on the Cumberland Hill proposed boundary change and look to vote on this by the end of April.
Proposed Cumberland Hill Boundary Map
Proposed Cumberland Hill Street Changes
With regard to our middle schools, we have two conversations, (1) an immediate issue of overcrowding at NCMS and (2) our long term plans for student numbers at both middle schools. Currently NCMS has a student population of 626 and McCourt has a population of 422. Going into next year, we are looking to reduce the incoming grade 6 class by 25-30 students in order to operate NCMS at current staffing levels. Making no modification to the existing attendance areas would trigger the need to hire an additional teacher at NCMS, when we have the capacity to add students at McCourt. To date, we have modeled different areas to consider, however, no decisions have been made. Last night, two members of the school committee were tapped to sit with administration to drill down further and come back to the full school committee in our upcoming meetings. Below is a map illustrating the current middle school boundary areas.
Current Middle School Boundary Map
Elementary Start Times
Given the move of Garvin elementary to the high school campus in 22-23, the district will need to transport students further from the regular boundary area. In order to accomplish this and avoid the cost of adding three buses (approximately $270,000), the District will need to adjust start times to achieve a budget neutral transportation plan. Below are the proposed times for our elementary schools for the 22-23 school year. Our school committee will take up this topic at our upcoming meetings.
Proposed school start times 2023
School Construction Timeline
With the voter approval of the school construction bond in 2018, several construction projects will be undertaken over the next several years. This year, Cumberland Hill has been the focus. Work is slated to be completed this summer with students back in the newly renovated elementary school in the fall of 2021. This summer 3 projects will kick off with Garvin undergoing a major renovation, Ashton seeing the construction of a new wing and Community seeing the construction of a new cafeteria. Work in the years to come will see a renovation at Ashton and Community, and a renovation to BF Norton. The chart below is an illustration of the timeline of the elementary school’s construction.
School construction timeline
Lastly, renovation work is also slated at our two middle schools with a focus on school security (front door areas) at both middle schools as well as upgrades to the middle school science areas. Timelines on this work is TBD and will be based on the pace and scope of the elementary projects already in place.
2022-2023 School Calendar
The 2022-2023 School Calendar was approved by the school committee during its meeting last night.
You can access the calendar here. It will also be posted on the Cumberland School District website.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is allowing school meal programs across the country to continue serving healthy meals through June 30, 2022. The program continues to provide safe, healthy meals free of charge to children as the pandemic continues to threaten the food and nutrition security of our most vulnerable. Unfortunately, this free of charge meal program for all students will no longer be available at the end of this school year.
Families will need to complete an application for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program – Families are encouraged to complete and submit applications to your child’s school to verify eligibility. Please contact your child’s school if a form is needed.
The application is also available electronically. Click here to apply online.
We ask for your help now. By applying for the free/reduced lunch program … Read More...
March 4, 2022
Dear Students, Parents and Staff,
I am happy to say that today, March 4th at 5:01 p.m., mask wearing will be optional for all individuals entering school buildings. It is hard to believe that it was almost two years ago (March 13, 2020) that schools, many businesses and most of the State had to be closed due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. We have all gone through very difficult and trying times from this pandemic, whether it be physically, mentally, financially or the loss of a loved one, this virus has touched each and everyone of us in some way.
Beginning Monday, March 7th, masks will also be optional for students riding the school bus. Students will continue to sit in their assigned seats. Windows will be opened to keep the air circulating when the weather permits.
The Central Office Administrators, Building Administrators, faculty and staff have worked very hard to make each student’s educational experience the best it can be. I am very grateful for their continued dedication and support.
Please remember, it is recommended that any individual who is immunocompromised should continue to wear a mask. Also, please be respectful to each other regarding an individual’s decision on whether or not to wear a mask.
If your child is experiencing or develops symptoms of illness please keep him/her home and have him/her tested. Visit Portal RI to find a testing site and make an appointment. You can also call 844-857-1814 to schedule an appointment.
Additionally, mask requirements may be required on an individual basis when individuals are allowed to return to school early after testing positive for COVID-19. Individual circumstances should be discussed with your building principal and school nurse.
All of the decisions regarding the easing of restrictions and masking have been made based upon the recent drop in COVID cases in RI and locally Cumberland. If information and guidance from State Agencies change, we will review and consider what, if any, action is necessary.
The Positive Covid-19 Cases in the Schools spreadsheet is provided for your review. It is also available on the District’s website under Quick Links.
2022-2023 Kindergarten / 1st Grade Registration
The online student registration portal is now open for all kindergarten, first grade and any new students entering the Cumberland School Department for the 2022-2023 school year.
Additional information can be found here – 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration
Spring is just a couple of weeks away. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to enjoying the outdoors and many of the upcoming school events and activities.
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools…