Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.25.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.25.21

June 25, 2021

Dear Students, Staff and Families,

I want to thank you all for your support and understanding during this unprecedented pandemic.  All of the school related routines that have been established for years and years were turned upside down.  We had to make decisions on the fly that we never had to make before.  Regardless of these challenges, our school leaders did a remarkable job of quickly responding and adapting to every new hurdle put in front of them.  I am pleased and impressed with each of our administrators and their staff for doing an exemplary job over the last 15 months. 

Thanks also to our students who have had to be mindful of social distancing and mask wearing every day they have been in school.  It has not been easy for them and their teachers.  Wearing a mask when the heat and humidity is high is incredibly uncomfortable.  It is hard to teach and it’s hard to learn under the circumstances.  Thank you for persevering during this difficult time.  Hopefully, we will be back to normal for the start of the new school year.

On another note, there will be a lot of facilities work taking place in the district over the next few years.  This work will create some challenges as well.  Uprooting our classrooms and moving to a different building is no easy task.  We recognize the inconvenience this has presented to the high school teachers who have been teaching in the Trans Building and the Cumberland Hill students and staff who will be relocated to the Trans Building for the 2021-2022 school year.  We acknowledge that this is not easy.  Your patience and understanding will be challenged once again.  However, you will be pleased when the work is completed and you are able to see the final product.  

Finally, as I have said many times over these last few weeks, I want you all to know that it has been my honor to be the superintendent of the Cumberland School Department.  I have been privileged to work with people who care very strongly about the quality of education in their town.  Thanks to everyone for the kind words, cards, notes, and emails you have shared with me.  I will be forever grateful.

Warmest regards,

Robert A. Mitchell 

Superintendent of Schools …

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.25.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.18.21

June 18, 2021

Dear Students, Staff, and Families,

I hope this email finds you well.  The weather is beautiful and it’s great to see everyone taking advantage of being outside with no masks.  It’s been a long and challenging 15 months and it feels good to be getting back to normal.  

Listed below are a few items for your review:

  • Congratulations to the class of 2021.  As you know, last Friday was graduation.  It was a beautiful evening and an elegant ceremony.  A special thanks goes out to Mr. Costa and everyone who played a role in organizing the event.  As you can imagine there is a great deal of planning that goes into preparing for an event that has over 300 graduates and their families. Kudos to everyone involved.

  • Each year we ask our administrators from each of our schools to nominate a staff member that they feel is deserving of being recognized as Cumberland’s Teacher of the Year.  Principals nominate staff members who they feel are deserving of this recognition.   As you can imagine, there are several teachers deserving of being Cumberland’s Teacher of the Year.  I am pleased to share with you that Cumberland’s 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year is Eric Georgio.  Those of you who know Eric will agree that he is an exceptional teacher who has positively impacted the lives of his students.  Congratulations Eric!

  • Just a reminder that the CumberlandFest organizers are looking for volunteers.  The Volunteer Registration Form is attached as well as the Youth Organization 2021 Grant Application for youth organizations interested in applying for grant money raised during this event.

  • Plans for Cumberland Hill School to move to the swing space in the Transitional Building are well underway.  Work on the Transitional Building will begin next week in preparation for welcoming the elementary school students and staff at the end of August.  Both the Trans Building and Cumberland Hill School will be busy places this summer.

As always, thank you for the support you’ve shown during these last several months.  Our focus will now be on preparing for the return of our students and staff at the end of the summer.

Happy Father’s Day!


Robert A. Mitchell

Superintendent of Schools…

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.25.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.11.21

June 11, 2021

Dear Students, Staff, and Families,

It’s a beautiful day for the senior graduation this evening! There are numerous end of year events planned at all the schools in the next couple of weeks. We are very fortunate to now have the opportunity to have outdoor social gatherings.

  • Congratulations to the Class of 2021!  You have persevered through one of the most challenging times that students have had to experience.  We are happy for you and your families.  Enjoy this well deserved accomplishment.

  • Congratulations to Jillian Pullano, a 4th grade teacher at Ashton School. Jillian was the recipient of the first Alan Shawn Feinstein Educator Award (ASF) for leading acts of kindness and good deed initiatives in the Ashton School community.  Jillian will receive $25,000 for Ashton School and herself.  Jillian was nominated by her principal, Nidia Karbonik.  

  • CumberlandFest is back this year.  This is the 30th anniversary of this beloved event.  In addition to providing a number of fun-filled activities for the community, money raised from this event is directed back into the community by providing grants to organizations that support the youth in the Town of Cumberland.  Jerry Schimmel, the Executive Director of CumberlandFest met with me recently.  He is looking for volunteers.  There are two documents for your consideration:  one is a Volunteer Registration Form and the other is a Youth Organization 2021 Grant Application.  Please consider helping with this year’s event.

    • Here is a description of the CumberlandFest:  CumberlandFest is the creation of the Cumberland Youth Activities Council (CYAC), a nonprofit 501c-3 that was formed in 1991 to raise money for youth athletic activities in Cumberland. For nearly three decades, CumberlandFest has been the area’s most anticipated summer event. Held annually at Diamond Hill Park during Victory Day Weekend in August, CumberlandFest includes a carnival midway of rides to thrill all ages, a wide array of musical acts, food vendors, an arts & crafts fair and other special events. Through the patronage of thousands of attendees, the assistance of hundreds of event volunteers and the community-wide support of business sponsors, CumberlandFest has contributed more than $1,000,000 to youth programs over its 29-year history.


Enjoy the weekend.


Robert A. Mitchell

Superintendent of Schools…

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.25.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.4.21

June 4, 2021

Dear Students, Staff, and Families,

I hope this email finds you well and like me, you are feeling some relief that things are increasingly getting back to normal.  I have just a few things to share with you in this communication.

  • As of Monday, June 7th, all students in grades PreK through twelve will be in for five days of in-person learning.  This will be the first time since March of 2020 that everyone, with the exception of distance learners, will be physically back in school every day.  It has been a long haul and it feels good that things are getting back to normal.

  • There are lots of activities planned for the end of the year that will allow students, staff, and families to get together.  Promotional activities are being planned at the elementary and middle schools.  Your principals will be sharing those plans with you.

  • We have received guidance from the Governor and Rhode Island Department of Health on what is allowed for gatherings as we approach the end of the school year.  We are pleased to hear that for all outdoor activities, no one is required to wear a mask and three feet of social distancing is not required.

  • Masks and three feet of social distancing are still required for any activities held indoors.

  • I attended a nice ceremony at the high school this morning.  I was invited by Jessica Delaney, one of our highly regarded teachers, to a white coat ceremony.  Ms. Delaney is a teacher in the BioMedical Pathways program.  Seniors who have successfully completed this rigorous pathway, were rewarded with a white coat that was presented by Ms. Delaney.  These impressive students will be continuing their education in a medical field.  As the superintendent, I am very pleased that we have this and other pathways available to our students.  They have an opportunity to explore a potential career choice while in high school.  

  • Congratulations to the forty seniors who were recognized on Tuesday for earning the title of Distinguished Scholar.  These students have distinguished themselves in many ways including academics, athletics, music, fundraising, community service and more.  The ceremony was held in the high school auditorium and attended by many local and state dignitaries.

Thanks to our students, staff, and families for persevering through what has been perhaps the biggest challenge of our lives.  Enjoy the weekend.


Robert A. Mitchell

Superintendent of Schools…

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – 6.25.21

Superintendent’s Weekly Communication – Clarifying Message to Students, Staff, and Families – 5.29.21

Dear Students, Staff, and Families,
The communication that was sent out yesterday related to out of state travel has created some confusion.  Quarantining would not be necessary if the state visited does not have a high community spread rate.  For example, several families are going to New Hampshire for a soccer tournament this weekend.  Since New Hampshire is not a state with a high community spread rate at this time, students would not need to quarantine when they return to Rhode Island.  However, families would need to check to be sure that New Hampshire is not on the list on the day they return to Rhode Island.
There are only a few states currently on the list with a high community spread rate.  Here is the link identifying those states.
I apologize for the confusion and I hope this provides some clarity.
Bob Mitchell
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