Daily COVID Attestation Workflow in Aspen

Daily COVID Attestation Workflow in Aspen

The Daily Attestation Form is vitally important and needs to be filled out on a daily basis before your student arrives at school.  If you forget to fill out the workflow you will get a reminder phone call and email.  We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation in advance.

Instructions can be found here.  A video of the process can be found here.

You will need a username and password for Aspen.  You can access Aspen from the CSD Website
Under the LogOn link in the top right. You can also access it directly from:

If you need help with your Aspen Family Portal account please email us at

Buenos días,

El formulario de certificación diaria es de vital importancia y debe llenarse a diario antes de que su hijo llegue a la escuela. Nos gustaría agradecer a todos por su cooperación de antemano.

Se pueden encontrar instrucciones aquí. Se puede encontrar un video del proceso aquí.

Necesitará un nombre de usuario y contraseña para Aspen. Puede acceder a Aspen desde el sitio web de CSD bajo el enlace Iniciar sesión en la parte superior derecha. También puede acceder a él directamente desde:

Si necesita ayuda con su cuenta Aspen Family Portal, envíenos un correo electrónico a

Parent Forum – Secondary Level – Wednesday, September 9, 2020 @ 6:30pm

Parent Forum – Secondary Level – Wednesday, September 9, 2020 @ 6:30pm

The Cumberland School Department Secondary Principals, Mrs. Bethany Coughlin, Dr. Jason Masterson, and Mr. Adolfo Costa, and their teams will be hosting a parent forum on Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting will be about the first 30 days of school ( Sept. 14th – Oct.13th) — Distance Learning Instructional Model grades 6-12.  The meeting will be a zoom event with the ability for parents to ask questions. 

This will be a recorded event for parents that cannot attend. The recording can be found here.

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
    Please click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/j/98022044374?pwd=M2liaE1INmVRNVBvM1YxV2J2M241UT09
    Passcode: 324036

Or join by phone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
        US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 
    Webinar ID: 980 2204 4374…

Fall Sports Update – 09/08/2020

Dear Cumberland Student-Athletes and Families,

With recent announcements from the Rhode Island Interscholastic League and Rhode Island Principal’s Committee on Athletics, the Cumberland School Department would like to provide an update regarding interscholastic sports and the status of fall sports at our schools.

Middle School Athletics- Unfortunately, the Rhode Island Principal’s Committee on Athletics (RIPCOA) has postponed all fall sports at the middle school level. They have released a statement that their plan is to move the fall season to sometime around March. The Cumberland School Department and RIPCOA will release more information once it becomes available.

High School Athletics, Postponement of Certain Fall Sports- The Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) has announced the postponement of Football, Volleyball, and Unified Volleyball. Their intentions are to move these sports to a season sometime around March. The Cumberland School Department and RIIL will release more information as it becomes available with start dates for this “new” season.

High School Athletics, Permissible Fall Sports-The Rhode Island Interscholastic League has announced that the only fall sports that would be offered this fall with rules modifications are: Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Sideline Cheer, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Field Hockey. We have not received any information as to what these rules modifications for each sport may be; but we will be following all guidance from the National Federation of High Schools, Rhode Island Interscholastic League, Rhode Island Department of Health, and CDC. Presently, the start date for practices for these fall sports is September 21, 2020, and the first permissible contests will be allowed on Friday, October 2nd. The RIIL has only scheduled contests on Saturdays, while reserving all weekdays for after school practices and rescheduled games. Each team will participate in a six week season, and a two week window is being reserved for post-season play. Although the schedule has not been finalized, all indications point to the fall sports season being completed the weekend prior to Thanksgiving.

High School Athletics Sign Ups and InformationAll students who are interested in participating on an interscholastic team, must sign up prior to Monday, September 14, 2020. There are three requirements that all students must complete prior to being allowed on the playing surface.

Complete the registration link with a parent/guardian at the link here: https://cumberlandhs-ar.rschooltoday.com/

Submit a NEW Notarized RIIL Assumption of Risk Form to your Coach or Athletic Director. These can be brought to the main high school building and can be printed from the registration link above. Please note, ALL student-athletes are required to complete this new form regardless of if you have done this in a previous year.

Provide an up-to-date physical from the last 12 months. This must be provided directly to the HS nurse’s office and not a coach or the athletic director.

We acknowledge there are many more questions that we do not have answers to at this time. The Rhode Island Interscholastic League has scheduled a meeting with all Athletic Directors the morning of Wednesday, September 9th, 2020. We anticipate having more information to share after this meeting and will be sure to notify our coaches, students, and parents of any new information as we become aware.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Athletic Director, Eric Blanchard, at eric.blanchard@cumberlandschools.org or 401-658-2600 ext. 343.


Message from the Superintendent – Distance Learning

Dear Students, Staff and Families,

I write to inform you that at the school committee meeting held on Thursday, August 27, 2020, a majority of the Cumberland School Committee voted to start the 2020-2021 school year with Distance Learning.

We understand that you will have questions on how the plan will be implemented.  We will be providing you with additional information as soon as possible. 

Your patience and understanding during these uncertain times is greatly appreciated.


Robert A. Mitchell

Superintendent of Schools

Estimados estudiantes, personal y familias:

Les escribo para informarles que en la reunión del comité escolar el jueves 27 de agosto de 2020, la mayoría del Comité Escolar de Cumberland votó para comenzar el año escolar 2020-2021 con aprendizaje a distancia.

Entendemos que tendrá preguntas sobre cómo se implementará el plan. Le proporcionaremos información adicional lo antes posible.

Se agradece mucho su paciencia y comprensión durante estos tiempos de incertidumbre.


Robert A. Mitchell

Superintendente de escuelas…

Cumberland School Department Virtual Town Hall Meeting – Monday, August 17, 2020, at 6:00 pm

Cumberland School Department Virtual Town Hall Meeting – Monday, August 17, 2020, at 6:00 pm

We invite you to join this meeting to discuss the reopening of our schools in September.  A Frequently Asked Questions document has been created to hopefully address many of your questions and concerns. Please take some time to review the attached document. 

We realize that you may have additional questions and we will attempt to address as many as possible during the virtual meeting. You can submit your questions (please, no more than two) prior to the meeting using the link below.  If we are not able to get to all of the questions during the meeting, we will use the FAQ document to answer any unanswered questions.  Meeting connection information can be found on the attached meeting notice.

As you are aware, this coronavirus pandemic has created a challenging and ever-changing way of life for all of us. It is important for us as a school community to work together in providing a healthy and safe return to school for our students, staff, and families.

The guidelines and recommendations from our government and health officials can change on a daily basis. Therefore, we will do our best to give you the most up-to-date information at the meeting.  Please keep in mind that there may be changes as we move forward.

Cumberland School Department FAQ 

Virtual Town Hall Meeting Notice 

Virtual Town Hall Meeting Presentation

View the Virtual Town Hall Meeting Recording




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