Superintendent’s Communication – 6.17.22
June 17, 2022
Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,
Last Days of School
This time of year is very busy with end of year activities and events. The Class of 2022 Senior Graduation took place on Friday, June 10, 2022. Congratulations and Best of Luck to all the graduating seniors!
Here is a link to the video – CHS 2022 Graduation Video
There will be many types of events at the elementary, middle and high schools during this last week of school. These events and activities are a tribute to the hard work and dedication you’ve shown throughout the school year. Whether the event is for academics, sports, end of year school dances or your school’s field day, it’s important to reflect on what you’ve accomplished during the school year.
With the school year coming to a close on Thursday, June 23, 2022, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a restful and enjoyable summer. We look forward to seeing you back in school on September 6th and 7th for the 2022-2023 school year.
Information for the 2022-2023 School Year
2022-2023 School Start/End Times
AlphaBEST Before/After School Program 2022-2023
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools…

Superintendent’s Communication – 5.27.22
Cumberland’s 2022 District Teacher of the Year – Jen Marvel
Superintendent’s Communication – 5.13.22
May 13, 2022
Dear Students, Parents and Staff,
As mentioned in a previous communication, with the Garvin elementary school moving to the high school campus for the 2022-23 school year, the District will need to transport students further from the regular boundary area. In order to keep the transportations costs as budgeted, the elementary school start times would require adjustments. The proposed school start time changes for the elementary schools were approved by the Cumberland School Committee at its meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2022.
School Construction Timeline
With the voter approval of the school construction bond in 2018, several construction projects will be undertaken over the next several years. This year, Cumberland Hill has been the focus. Work is slated to be completed this summer with students back in the newly renovated elementary school in the fall of 2021. This summer 3 projects will kick off with Garvin undergoing a major renovation, Ashton seeing the construction of a new wing and Community seeing the construction of a new cafeteria. Work in the years to come will see a renovation at Ashton and Community, and a renovation to BF Norton. The chart below is an illustration of the timeline of the elementary school’s construction.
Philip D. Thornton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools…